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Showing posts from October, 2018

Are You Prepared?

Husband is at work, the kids are upstairs sleeping. Are you prepared for this? #homesecurity #home #security #FoxGuardSecurity #instasecurity #instahome #system #cameras #cctv #homeautomation #fire #door #alarmsystem

Family time

Family time is precious.   Fox Guard Security will help ensure it stays peaceful by protecting the home while you focus on THEM. #homesecurity #home #security #FoxGuardSecurity #instasecurity #instahome #system #cameras #cctv #homeautomation


Myth: Security is expensive.  Home security CAN be expensive, but with Fox Guard Security it is more affordable than ever.  #homesecurity #home #security #FoxGuardSecurity #instasecurity #instahome #system #cameras #cctv #homeautomation #fire #door #alarmsystem

What happened while you were at work?

Suddenly, putting laundry away wont be the highest priority of the evening when you get home. This is preventable. # homesecurity # home # security # FoxGuardSecurity # instasecurity # instahome # system # cameras # cctv # homeautomation # fire

Who picked your lock without you even knowing?

"This neighborhood has always been safe" is usually words heard after a major break in or home invasion. Don't self exclude yourself and leave your home susceptible to thieves, vandalism or stolen packages! #homesecurity #home #security #FoxGuardSecurity #instasecurity #safe

5816 programming video

#Honeywell 5816WMWH #wireless contact #YouTube video is up! Step by step programming with detailed notes at the end of the video NEVER RELEASED on how to #program the Honeywell #Lynx Touch 5210 #security system. Take #Homesecurity to a new level!

How to enroll a 5816 wireless contact

#Honeywell 5816 WMWH step-by-step programming for the Lynx touch 5210 & 7000 security systems > WITH PROGRAMMING NOTES!!! #homesecurity #home #security #FoxGuardSecurity #instasecurity #instahome #system


Packaging, website and thousands of hours have been invested to bring you something truly unique. Home security from the professional realm that YOU can install.   #homesecurity #home #security #FoxGuardSecurity #instasecurity #instahome #system #cameras #cctv #homeautomation

Point. Click

We make it easy-  point, click, safe.   # homesecurity # home # security # FoxGuardSecurity # instasecurity # instahome # system # cameras # cctv # homeautomation # fire # door # alarmsystem # love # igers   # instadaily # instagram # photooftheday # instagood # instamood # followforfollow

High monthly rates

Are you paying high monthly rate to an alarm company who collects every month?   # homesecurity # home # security # FoxGuardSecurity # instasecurity # instahome # system # cameras # cctv # homeautomation # fire # door # alarmsystem # love

Rustic home?

Old or new, rustic or modern - Fox Guard Security works to  keep YOUR home safe 24/7 #homesecurity #home #security #FoxGuardSecurity #instasecurity #instahome #system #cameras #cctv #homeautomation #fire #door #alarmsystem #love